The Faulkner Society’s Programming is made possible in part by underwriting from: the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, which is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities…….and by the Division of the Arts, which is the arts arm of the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism

In addition to the public funds underwriting from the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities and the Louisiana Division of the Arts, the Faulkner Society’s projects are made possible by the generosity of private foundation and individual sponsors, patrons and friends.
2017-2018 Major Sponsors:
The Deming Foundation: Bertie Deming Smith, Alexandria, LA
Floyd McLamb, Poplarville, MS
Faulkner House, Inc.: Rosemary James & Joseph DeSalvo
Courtenay McDowell and Richard Gregory, Charleston, SC
Margaret Skinner and Tommy Lewis, Charleston, SC
Jana Napoli, New Orleans, LA
Charles Heiner, Charlottesville, VA
Joyce & Steve Wood, Nashville, TN
Gulf Coast Bank & Trust, New Orleans, LA
Walter & Cathy Isaacson, New Orleans, LA
Susanne Scovern & Jennifer Johnson
The Hotel Monteleone & the Monteleone Family
Anne Simms Pincus and Ron Pincus, New Orleans, LA
Quinn Peeper & Michael Harold, New Orleans, LA
The Moss Family in Memory of Nancy & Hartwig Moss
The Ruth U. Fertel Foundation: Randy Fertel, New Orleans, LA
Robinson Lumber Company: Garner Robinson, New Orleans, LA
Tia & James Roddy, New Orleans, LA
Royal Productions: Randy Gervais
George & Fay Rizzo
Nina Kelly, New Orleans, LA
Barbara Joe Brothers, New Orleans, LA
David Speights, New Orleans, LA
The Louisiana State Museum
The State Library of Louisiana
The Mary Freeman Wisdom Foundation
Our thanks also for 2018 in-kind volunteer support to:
One Book, One New Orleans and many others.