Touchstone Releasing Finalist Novel by Chris White

 The Life List of Adrian Mandrick, the novel by Chris White, novel runner-up in the 2016 competition is being released by Touchstone, a Simon & Schuster imprint, April, 2018. The novel combines splendid prose with a contemporary revision of the ages old search for the Holy Grail, in this case a search for the rarest of birds by an obsessed birder. It is among the very best of the novels to be entered in our competition since it was created 25 years ago.

Although a stellar work of literary fiction, at its heart, the book also is a plea for environmental awareness and a call to action to reverse the dangers our planet is facing.  For more on Chris and her novel, click on her name highlighted in blue. Congratulations, Chris! An excerpt from her novel appears in the 2016-2017 edition of the Society’s journal, The Double Dealer. This from Chris:

Your encouragement came at an important moment in the process for me. The Faulkner – Wisdom competition is listed on the copyright page of the book (as well as in the acknowledgements). And your generosity of spirit and kindness at the Faulkner festival were a breath of fresh air.