FASCINATING Literature & Lunch panel, including from l-r, founder of the Paranormal Society of New Orleans, Chris Melancon; Cari Roy, renowned American psychic; queen of Italian-produced horror movies Geretta Gerretta; travel writer and former agent Michael Murphy; and Bruce Jones, who’s striking a fiction home run with his Lost Reflection trilogyGeretta Demon Doll? Why not…View from the Riverview room at the Hotel Monteleone…New Orleans actress Kerry Cahill with author and playwright John Biguenet, reading from his play, BroomstickAuthor Michael Malone (left) moderates a discussion on humor with editor Calvert Morgan, author Harrison Scott Key, and agent Deborah GrosvenorLiterature and Lunch at Arnaud’sRosemary James introduces stellar lunch panel to discuss the art culture of New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina…Brettne Bloom, Kristine Puopolo and Jennifer Steil at menage-a-trois, a favorite annual panel at W&MAuthor Mary R. Arno, former Faulkner gold medalist, talks about her upcoming book, Thanksgiving, on special release here in NOLAAuthor Bruce T. Jones discusses his successful romantic thriller trilogy, the Lost Reflection series