How to Order Your Tickets
- For festival packages, including individuals, couples and competition finalists, use our easy and secure online ordering system HERE.
- If ordering a la carte items, you must click HERE to print out form and mail or e-mail to us with your payment.
- Writers seeking manuscript critiques during the festival can find a list of our agents and editors HERE.
- Prior to submitting manuscripts for critique, please visit CRITIQUE GUIDELINES.
Registrations are fully refundable prior to September 1, 2019. Refunds requested between September 1 and September 15 are available for 50 per cent of total paid. After September 15, refunds are not available but a credit for the full amount paid will be issued for next year’s festival. No critique registrations can be accepted after September 10th.
The Schedule for 2019’s Festival:
Happy Birthday, Mr. Faulkner!
To facilitate enjoyment of the City’s most historic neighborhood for our guests, all events take place in venues of historic importance, all within four blocks of each other. All venues are in the Faubourg Marigny, the lower Vieux Carré ,and at or close to Jackson Square, the site of the City’s founding. The principal inn for 2019 is Hotel Peter and Paul, a hot new boutique hotel complex of the 19th-century the de-commissioned and repurposed Catholic Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, its former rectory, convent, and school buildings linked around several small courtyard spaces, with an on-site bar and small plate restaurant. Visit for information and to register online.
Peter and Paul is a long walk or short pedicab or lyft ride to Jackson Square and The Cabildo, one of the two seats of Colonial government and the site of the signing of the Louisiana Purchase.
The Cabildo is the venue for registration and opening keynote sessions of the festival, which start at 1 p.m. September 24. Show your Faulkner pass and go to the long second floor gallery, overlooking Jackson Square. The Cabildo was a next door neighbor for William Faulkner, when he lived at Number 624 Pirate’s Alley, today a national literary landmark. Faulkner House Books, a major patron of the festival, is located on the ground floor in the room where Faulkner lived. Just a block from number 624 is the Bourbon Orleans Hotel with its historic Quadroon Ballroom, where the festival luncheons will be held on September 25th and 27th.
Welcome to the Vieux Carre and Happy Birthday, Mr. Faulkner!
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
10:00 a. m. – New Orleans Center for Creative Arts, Riverside, 2800 Chartres St.
The Faulkner Society’s Free Master Class for Students and Teachers. The 2019 event
stars Tayari Jones, author of the novel Silver Sparrow, the focus book for the Society’s 2019 BIG READ community reading project with a goal of motivating young people to read good
literature. Ms. Jones gained overnight literary celebrity status with her new novel, An American Marriage, when it was selected by Oprah Winfrey for her Oprah’s Book Club. Ms. Jones will appear at the opening of Faulkner Festival events for readers and writers at at the Cabildo.
1:00 p. m. – 4:45 p. m. — The Cabildo, Louisiana State Museum, at Jackson Square, Second Floor Note:
The opening sessions are free and open to the public…but…advance RSVPs are mandatory.
Send RSVPs to [email protected] and to receive your pass admitting you to the museum without paying for museum admittance. Guests who have registered for the festival will receive an electronic pass to exchange for their permanent passes at the registration desk. Opening keynote sessions will be an introduction to three aspects of the humanities theme for 2019:
The American Experience in Literature & Life.
The sub-themes to be address on opening day will be:
The New Orleans Experience in Literature & Life
This session will feature Gordon Peter Wilson, attorney and son of an old New Orleans family, whose mother, former City Councilwoman Peggy Wilson, organized the bronze plaque hanging on the front wall of 624 Pirate’s Alley, celebrating the fact that William Faulkner lived there and wrote his first novel, Soldiers’ Pay, there. Gordon’s brilliant debut novel, Quench the Smoldering Wick, which came out last year, is a high speed race through all the rights and wrongs of his native city, told through characters which
could only be considered real in New Orleans. It’s one of those New Orleans books which come along every generation and can be compared on an equal footing with that quintessential New Orleans tragicomic novel, Confederacy of Dunces.
The Immigrant Experience in Literature & Life
This session will feature a performance poetry rap by Latino author José Torres-Tama, whose performances always are high-powered and just the right ticket to pump things up for the afternoon. Ecuadorian-born, José is a published poet and playwright,
a theater educator, visual artist, and performance activist. He explores the Latin American immigrant experience and post-9-11 blind nationalism which has fueled the raging anti-immigrant hysteria gripping our country.
The Afro-American Experience in Literature & Life
This session will feature Tayari Jones, whose new novel, An American Marriage, revolves
around the injustices of the American justice system, specifically about a young man, just married who is accused and convicted of a crime he did not commit and is sent to prison. It is about the victims of false convictions and about the collateral damage done to their loved ones. She will appear with Maurice Carlos Ruffin, whose 2019 debut novel, We Cast a Shadow, is about the lengths a black father will go to protect his son from falling victim to the same kind of injustices. They will be interviewed by Megan Holt, Director of One Book One New Orleans, a non-profit devoted to adult literacy in general and, specifically literacy among the incarcerated.
The American Experience in Literature & Life As Faulkner Saw It
This session will feature Jay Parini, noted biographer and author of
the most accessible and entertaining of the biographies about William Faulkner, One Matchless Life. He will be introduced by author Joyce Blaylock Wood, who was a Faulkner scholar when pursuing graduate studies and is the author of Adelicia, a historical novel about a feminist heroine who refused to be victimized by the Civil War.
Following these sessions, there will be a welcome party for registered writers, literary presenters, sponsors, and Faulkner Society board members.
5:30 to 7:30 p. m. — Faulkner House, 624 Pirate’s Alley
Welcome to New Orleans, the City that inspired William Faulkner To Write Good Fiction. Your hosts, Rosemary James & Joseph J. DeSalvo, who own Faulkner House, and with others
Co-Founded the Faulkner Society in 1990.
Evening Free to Enjoy New Orleans
Book Mart Sales
Books of festival presenters will be Available for Sale, Signing
Books for all presenters will be on Sale continuously September 24 through September 27 at Faulkner House Books, located in the room where William Faulkner wrote his first novel Soldiers’ Pay in 1925. The store is open 10 a. m. to 5:30 p.m. Festival guests presenting their passes will receive a 10 percent discount on all books by presenters and other new literature. (The discount does not apply to rare books.) Books for presenting authors will be available for purchase at meetings and authors will be available to sign after their various presentations.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Advice & Critiques
8:00 a. m. – Peter & Paul, the Church
Complimentary Continental Breakfast Available for Registered Guests of the Festival
8:45 a.m. – 9:45 —Peter & Paul, the Church
Advice Session for Writers and Readers:
Getting the Place right, Setting the Scene
Shari Stauch, well known literary marketing consultant and owner of
Where Writers Win, will introduce, one of the Faulkner Society’s a long time friend in the publishing industry, noted literary agent Jeff Kleinman of Folio Lit, will introduce his colleagues participating in the festival and then lead them all in a discussion of the importance of place and scene-setting in creating successful literature of all genres. Joining him will be agents: Katherine Fausset, Kiele Raymond, and Cullen Stanley; and editors: Celina “Cindy” Speigel, Katie Raissian, and Ellie Davis. (For information about all of these literary professionals, CLICK HERE!)
10:15 a. m – Noon, Peter & Paul, Studio Lounge, Third Floor, the School Building
Manuscript critiques by agents and editors begin.
Manuscripts submitted by writers are sent to their assigned agent and editor in advance of conference and they make one-on-one appointments with their assigned writers in advance of the festival. Shari Stauch will take appointments with registered writers seeking marketing advice. To make an appointment, contact her by e-mail: [email protected].
Note: If you plan to submit work for critiques, please read the manuscript critique guidelines Here. Submit electronically to
12:30 p. m. — Historic Quadroon Ballroom, Mezzanine, Bourbon Orleans Hotel
Happy Birthday, Mr. Faulkner Luncheon
The luncheon will feature our BIG READ star Tayari Jones, author of the BIG READ focus book Silver Sparrow and her most recent novel An American Marriage. Ms. Jones will be introduced by former New Orleans First Lady Sybil Morial, author of the important non-fiction work, Witness to Change, a first person account of growing up in Jim
Crow days, living through early political integration with her husband, the late Ernest “Dutch” Morial, first Afro-American
Mayor of New Orleans. She is the mother of a later Mayor, Marc Morial, who is now a national advocate for equal justice in his role as President of the National Urban League. These two important icons in the fight for equality in American life will sign their work at the end of the luncheon. Prior to their appearances, the Faulkner Society will introduce the judges of the 2019 William Faulkner – William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition, who will present their winners. For details on the winners, visit:
3 p. m. to 4:30 p. m — Studio Lounge, Hotel Peter and Paul.
Manuscript Critique sessions will continue
5:30 p. m. — 9:30 p. m., Hotel Peter and Paul, the Church
Faulkner for All: The Wild Palms
5:30 p. m. – 6:15 p. m.
The 29th gala black tie annual meeting of the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society will begin
with cocktails, including the signature Wild Palms Cocktail created especially for this
evening, which has a theme of The Wild Palms after our namesake’s New Orleans-inspired book conceived when he lived and worked at 624 Pirate’s Alley.
6:15 p. m. to 6:30 p. m.
Presentation of the Faulkner Society’s 2019 winners, parade of the gold medalists, escorted by the judges.
6:30 p. m.
Presentation of the 2019 winners of the Society’s 2019 ALIHOT (A Legend In His/Her Own Time)
7:00 p. m.
Concert by Quinn Peeper and Michael Harold, members of the Society’s board and Co-Chairs of The Wild Palms celebration, performing music Faulkner would have heard when he was living and working in the Vieux Carre in the 1920s. And a tango performance like those seen in New Orleans when Faulkner lived here by columnist and socialite Nell Nolan as well as accomplished dancer David Gentry.
7:30 p. m. — Buffet Dinner.
8:15 p. m. — “Faulkner in New Orleans,” a lighthearted monologue by Jay Parini, author of the marvelous Faulkner biography, One Matchless Life. Jay Parini, also a fiction writer, is author of The Last Station, a compelling novel about Leo Tolstoy’s last days, which became and academy award winning film, and most recently The Road to Damascus: A Novel of St. Paul, which he will discuss the following evening over cocktails. Music for dancing by the New Orleans Ragtime Band led by Lars Edegran will begin at 8:30 p.m.
9:30 p. m. — Adjournment of Annual Meeting
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Advise and Critique
8:00 a. m. — Hotel Peter and Paul, The Church
Café au Lait & Croissants, Etc.
8:45 to 9:45 a. m. — Hotel Peter and Paul, The Church
Having Fun Solving Literary Mysteries and Getting Your Literary Research Right
Shari Stauch will introduce Jessie Morgan-Owens, scholar, educator, photographer, and author of the highly acclaimed new non-fiction book, Girl in Black and White, which examines hypocracy in the abolition m
ovement of the Civil War era and Diane McPhail, artist, minister, and author of the compelling history, The Abolitionist’s Daughter, which approaches the movement from a different angle. They will explain how literary research can be a fun game, instead of drudgery, as it always involves solving intriguing mysteries. Following their presentations, participating agents will join in with comments on how important it is for writers to be diligent in their research.
10: 00 a. m. – 12:00 p. m. Hotel Peter and Paul, The Studio Lounge, Third Floor School House (Take elevator or stairs)
Manuscript Critiques Continue
12:00 p. m. to 2:00 p. m.
Free Time to Enjoy the Restaurants of New Orleans!
2: 00 p.m — 3:15 p. m
Manuscript Critiques Continue
3:30 p. m. – Peter and Paul, The Church
The role of the Poet in American Life & Literature
Jessica Faust will discuss the role of the poet in American Life & Literature. Ms. Faust is
Co-Editor and Poetry Editor of The Southern Review, will use examples of work published in the Southern Reveiw to demonstrate why these pieces are successful, why they get published. Ms. Faust judged the 2019 single poem category and she will ask the winner and runner-up to read briefly from their work.
3:45 p. m. – 5:15 p. m. Peter and Paul, the Church
The role of the Poet in American Life & Literature continue with John Biguenet and Mark Yakich taking up the subject as they present their new book about the work that has appeard inThe New Orleans Review. They will read from their work and ask others to read from theirs, including former Louisiana Poet Laureate, Brenda Marie Osbey.
5:30 p. m. – 8:00 p.m. Peter & Paul, the Church
The Road to Damascus
Legendary Journalist Scott Sullivan will be introducing Jay Parini to discuss his most recent work The Road to Damascus: A Novel of Saint Paul over cocktails
8:00 p. m.
Free Evening to enjoy the restaurants and music of New Orleans
Friday, September 27, 2019
Advice & Critiques
8:00 a. m. – Peter & Paul, the Church
Complimentary Continental Breakfast Available for Registered Guests of the Festival
8:45 a.m. – 9:45 —Peter & Paul, the Church
Advice Session for Writers and Readers:
Selling Your Books to Publishers
Jeff Kleinman, literary agent, will lead participating editors Katie Raissian, Ellie Davis, and Cindy Speigel in a discussion of what it takes, once you have written your book, to get it published.
10:00 to Noon —Peter and Paul, Studio Lounge
Final Manuscript Critique
1:00 p. m. — Quadroon Ballroom, Bourbon Orleans Hotel
Thinking of Home Luncheon
Lawrence Wells, whose late wife Dean Faulkner Wells was William Faulkner’s niece and adopted daughter, will introduce the new documentary on William Faulkner’s mother, Maud, other members of the Faulkner family and their homes in Oxford, Ms. The title of the film is Thinking of Home, a quote from taken from some of Faulkner’s letters sent home while he was in New Orleans working on his first novel and various other works. After the film, which is short, Larry will introduce the new edition of The Cofield Collection, William Faulkner’s life
in photographs. Copies of this collector’s item, published by Larry’s Yoknapatawpha Press, will be available at the luncheon for sale.
3:00 p. m.
Festival Adjourns until 2020 and the 30th annual meeting of the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society.
Competition Winners:
The Society will pay transportation up to $500 and hotel accommodations at the lovely boutique hotel in the French Quarter, the Provincial for the winner. Runners-up will be our guests for all of the events but must pay their own travel and hotel expenses. Others on the short list who wish to attend will received a discount of 50% on the writers package for the occasion. The package includes manuscript critiques. Literary agents will be critiquing winners and runners-up. Other finalists can enjoy a 25% discount off the $475 writer package price; semi-finalists are offered a 10% discount.
Writers should plan to arrive on Tuesday, September 24 by mid-day to attend an afternoon session, beginning with light food and drink; registration, keynote addresses.
The session runs from 1 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. at The Cabildo at Jackson Square. Out of town winners will stay at Hotel Peter and Paul the nights of September 24, 25, 26, departing on the 27. New Orleans winners are offered one night at the hotel, September 25, the night of the black tie gala annual meeting of the Society. All winners must confirm prior to September 9, when our bloc of rooms expires.